YM Southeast Retreat 2024 (Nov 29 - Dec 1)
Assalamualikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhuJoin us for a weekend of learning and activities at the Annual YM SE Retreat at Camp Geneva! The theme this year is “Age of Heroes - Remembering the Struggles of the Past”. As we move forward in our lives and witness the atrocities taking place across the world, it is easy to wonder when the promise of Allah will come true. But from our own history, we know that many people far better than us have come before and have struggled more than we have to, so by reminding ourselves of the stories and lessons of their lives, we can strengthen our Iman and continue to do good. Inshallah, we will have some phenomenal speakers and fun activities like a basketball tournament, Indoor soccer tournament, water activities, and more!! Financial aid is available. For more info, please contact Daanish Shauib @ (904) 517-6114.
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Emergency Contact: Name
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Parent/Guardian Waiver Form (Participant Under 18 years old): I, the undersigned parent/guardian, of the above Participant understand and acknowledge that activities have risks and dangers, that may result in injury, and on behalf of myself, I hereby release and agree to hold harmless Young Muslims, its volunteers, administration, and directors, from all claims, actions, or losses related thereto. Young Muslims assumes no liability for injury, illness or damage arising from the results of participation of the above Participant. The Participant is urged to consult his physician concerning his health to participate. I, the undersigned parent/guardian for the above-named Participant hereby approve of my child’s participation in the Young Muslims SE Retreat 2024 and consent to emergency medical treatment for my child on my behalf.
Waiver Form (Participant Over 18 years old): I, the Participant, understand and acknowledge that activities have risks and dangers, that may result in injury and/or illness, and on behalf of myself, I hereby release and agree to hold harmless Young Muslims, its volunteers, administration, and directors, from all claims, actions, or losses related thereto. Young Muslims assumes no liability for injury, illness, or damage arising from the results of participation of the above Participant. The Participant is urged to consult his physician concerning his health to participate. I, the undersigned Participant hereby approve of my participation in the Young Muslims SE Retreat 2024 and consent to emergency medical treatment.
Liability Waiver: I hereby approve that if I am seen with, or have possession of, any vape, illegal drug, alcohol, or any other form of medically un-prescribed substance, whether in my belongings or luggage, that I will be immediately expelled from the current retreat (WITHOUT REFUND), will need to arrange transportation myself in leaving, and I will no longer be invited to any future retreats. Furthermore, I hereby approve that I am subject to a search of my bag and personal belongings prior to and during the retreat. I understand that, if caught with any illegal substance, I will be reported to local authorities.


Participation Cost
For more details on this contact your NNC.