Cabinet Oath
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
I, ___, who has been appointed as a member of the Young Muslims Cabinet, do hereby affirm, with Allah the Lord of the Universe as my witness, that I shall inshaAllah:
- Improve my knowledge of Islam on a continuous basis.
- Mold my personal, family, and social life in accordance with the Quran and the Sunnah.
- Introduce Young Muslims to my family, friends and acquaintances.
- Organize those who have joined Young Muslims in the national team.
- Nourish the brotherhood among the members of Young Muslims and take personal interests in their Islamic development.
- Implement policies and decisions of Young Muslims at the national team level.
- Guide, supervise, and undertake accountability of Young Muslims activities at the national team level.
- Keep a watch on myself, fellow Cabinet members, and the Cabinet Board in order to ensure that we adhere to Young Muslims ideology and strive constantly to achieve its goal.
- Attend and participate regularly in the meetings of the Cabinet.
- Express my honest opinion according to my best knowledge and understanding and without any fear or reservation.
- Abstain from creating permanent groupings and causing divisions within Young Muslims to help forestall any such eventuality.
- Keep in touch with the Cabinet Board on a regular basis.
- Keep the Shura and the National Coordinator informed of my team’s progress.
- And carry out the responsibilities assigned to me diligently.
May Allah enable me to fulfill this pledge, Ameen.